The Foundation of a Successful Project
Alpine Geotechnical is a locally-owned Geotechnical Engineering, Consulting and Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Company located in Kalispell, Montana. Our goal is to provide sound Geotechnical recommendations and follow-up site observations with accurate test results.
Our Services
Material Testing
Field Control Test
Slump, Air Content, Unit Weight, Temperature
Strength Testing
Compressive Strength Cylinder, Flexural Beam, Concrete Core,
Grout Prism, Mortar Cube
Nuclear Density Testing
Soil/Aggregate Nuclear Density and Moisture
Asphalt Nuclear Density
Drilling Capabilities
Rotary Drill Rig: Diedrich D50
6” Diameter Continuous Flight Hollow Stem Auger - 100’
NQ Rock Coring - 10’
ODEX Air Rotary - 40’
Seismic Cone Penetrometer (SCPT)- 100’
Split-barrel Standard Penetration Resistance Value (SPT-N)
Undisturbed Shelby Tube or Ring Samples
Rock Core
Our fully equipped laboratory is AASHTO Accredited.
Alpine Geotechnical Scope of AASHTO Accreditation
includes the fields of:
D3740 (Soils)
C1077 (Concrete)
D3666 (Asphalt Mixture)